Recommendations on feeding cats


Feeding should be mainly natural products:

- Crude meat,  beef,  young pork (up to 6 months), the turkey, chicken meat;

- Fish products – a fish of low-fat grades only in a boiled kind. The preference should be given oceanic kinds of fishes. It is possible squids and fish semifinished items in a boiled kind. The fish cannot be the basic food stuffs and should be given not more often 2-3 times a week;

- The egg (yolk), boiled or crude, depending on taste of a cat, but is better boiled, once a week

- From an offal the greatest nutritional value the stomach of ruminants possesses, besides it contains vitamins, and on its fibers there are the valuable microorganisms necessary for work of a gastroenteric path. It should be given crude, but to buy only in the checked up places, to not get on a poor-quality product. Smaller nutritional value the liver possesses, it cannot be given in a crude kind, necessary to boil it within 5 minutes or even to scald.

Cats in the majority do not love meat of the rabbit and mutton.

From the special forages produced by various firms, forages of following firms are recommended: Royal Canin, Iams, Purina, Hill's. The best forages are forages of firm Iams. Dry forages should not make a basis of a feed of a cat, they can be given in the form of additives to the basic diet or as a delicacy. The tinned forages should make no more than 25 % from the basic diet.

It is desirable to accustom gradually a  cat to soup or a broth with the removed fat. It is possible to add with meat in a forage various porridges from following groats: buckwheat, wheaten (but not millet!), rice, but necessarily welded on milk as the rice welded on water or a broth, can provoke a lock at cats to which they are predisposed.

It is necessary in every possible way to try to diversify a diet of cats as they are conservative and get used to one forage, and then anything, except for it do not eat. Sometimes cats eat vegetables, fruit or greens, it is necessary to encourage their these desires, and also to land a grass in house conditions that cats could receive with it vitamins and clean the stomach.

Periodically, 1-2 times a month or less often, tear a cat clots of a wool which it licks from herself. If it does not occur also a wool does not leave, it is necessary to buy special paste for dissolution of a wool and to give it how is written in the instruction applied on a tube with paste.

It is not necessary to be afraid of frustration of a gastroenteric path at cats in the form of a diarrhea or vomiting. This pathology at cats if it is caused by errors in feeding, easily gives in to treatment. Has much more difficultly put is with locks at cats, therefore the forages provoking a lock should be excluded from a diet. Cats without any problems can eat the fine chicken bones which have been especially boiled thoroughly but after that at them the lock develops, down to surgical illness of intestines.

When passes age of dairy feeding after it it is better to avoid to give dairy products, at the majority of cats they are not acquired and cause frustration of activity of a gastroenteric path which is easy for curing, but after treatment the lock that is undesirable can begin.  Certainly, if the cat is inclined to locks it can be given sometimes milk or low-fat sour cream, at a persistent lock it is possible to give the condensed milk.

ATTENTION! In a sound body of a cat always excellent appetite. Even if  your pupil is capricious and does not eat the forage offered to it, it should continue to beg for meal or to be curious, that you eat. Cats like to attempt, support the pupil in « the sports form », do not overfeed. Thick cats are ill also such illness as decrease in working capacity of a liver, has received recently a wide circulation is more often.

Refusal of a forage, especially from the most favourite, a signal for alarm, an attribute of that with your pupil not everything is all right.

Do not try to treat a cat independently!

Cats have not a proper response on habitual for people preparations. At reception of aspirin or paracetamol at cats the condition of a sharp intoxication which can cause a lethal outcome develops.

On E.V.Dubrovinoj's materials, the veterinary doctor .



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