Feline toilet


 Now let's on in detail analyse  dowry , necessities kitty. The most important -, probably, toilet. As it were good, clever, tender and deft nor was your cat if she goes in toilet on corners, hardly beside you will form the cloudless relations. Here again,-òàêè a great deal depends on master. First, follows not to scrimp and buy the present toilet pallet for toilet filler with high edge, which prevent throwing out the filler kitty. Are Not flattered to small price do-it-yourself boll or bank with lattice. They uncomfortable and incomprehensible cat. The Animal long happens to to accustom to such vessel, and education not always can be successful. But when in deep pallet with filler possible tastefully to work, do the nice dimple, but afterwards use her it on purpose, education simply is not required - here works the instinct. When kitty our cats reached the mature age at three weeks and approached the moment of the first independent march in toilet (before this all need kittens provides the ma-cat, massaging him tummy and licking off standing out waste to vital activity), we put him in aviary quite intelligent pallet with filler. First tots with interest researched the new object, with running approach jumped there, spilling granules in all sides, afterwards began there to dig, dig the dimples. And suddenly one, the most clever, understood that this dimple possible to use! He much proudly sat on excavated by deepenning, stuck out the tiny triangular tail and made first in its lifes independent ing urinary bubble. Usually anyone from brother or sisters this smart chap then and there noticed that is made something new, came running, sniffed the result, with joy thought, what is wrong, and too sat down in pallet, and much was proud of its wit.


We never nobody did not happen to  to accustom to toilet , cats - clever and fastidious animals, and if provide their all necessary, they will behave much genteel. And one more of no small importance circumstance. The Feline toilet must be situated in available to cat, but in calm small piece of coal that nobody and nothing do not disturb her to think.


That smell in feline toilet? The Excrement and products of the separation micro flora, which develops in urine, rather then urine itself.


There is three main variants of the permit of the problem of the fight with scent:


1. All known flat pallet with laying, which crowded zoo supermarket;


2. The Absorbing fillers;


3. Forming wad  fillers.


Only very patient and industrious can clean and wash the toilet of the first type practically continuously. In these condition each animal   its toilet. After all even, the animals avoid the someone else scent. The Defect and value here obvious: scents and labour content! But then economical - no consumables. However apartments of such amateurs cat behave oddly for kilometer.


Two other variants use the filler and require the toilet to other designs, with high board. The Main  detail  these toilet is a filler. The Fillers be two types: absorbing and forming wad.


In absorbing filler water is adsorbed, absorb, embroilled in inside granules or sprinkled material. However after hit of water on such granules their external surface always remains ed, humid, but space between granule liberally. We shall Recall that smell after all not urine itself, but separations micro flora, residing in urine. The Unpleasant scent is radiated whole medicine to be taken externally by surface all moistened granules. Certainly, this surface in a hundreds once less, than in the first event, however already through several days filler pallet it is necessary to change, begins to disturb the scent.  Signals  entrench from depth. The Pussy cat, after each its toilet, any once raises from below upstairs already well dirty granules. So limiting capacity in these filler never is reached because of torments of the scent. The Motto of the second direction:  money on wind . The Filler we have to change regularly, often and wholly. Here not to spare the money! These fillers and have GENERATED the convictiom in high prices of the fillers.


The most rational and the most suitable , on my glance, is forming wad filler - a filler of the third type. For he is used, as a rule, granulated clay  sand-wad . As he works? At hit of the urine in filler of his its granule become soggy and change in rather strong wad, which much easy seasonly take away the dustpan. (Attention! Such wad in no event it is impossible throw in sewerage! Only in rubbish containers!) At dustpan you delete from toilet wad used filler, clean filler remains in toilet. Thereby, filler is used on all one hundred percents, scent no . It Is Checked even under year fervour, in that condition, when cats remained one for the whole day, scent no! Some suppliers cat fear that kittens will eat the filler and can be poisoned and die. Such events unknown, the whole civilized world uses that or other types of the filler. Our kittens, for the first time masterring toilet with forming wad by filler, tried his its chew, even took in mouth - but then and there threw back.


Use the fillers for toilet not only does clean your apartment, but also prevents the diseases a cat, after all some incitants disease develop through food waste cat exactly.


The Absorbing fillers - from wood shaving, celluloses, different helium and t. p. - absorb water, avoid the scents. Sometimes, the producers of such fillers advise to mix the granules, sometimes their better not to touch. The Fillers, forming wad, as a rule, on base of the clay.





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