Helpful Hints For Newbies
(& Responsible Breeding Practices)
Those of us who have Уbeen aroundФ awhile have often wished to be 28
again with all the knowledge we now have at 48!
WOW! I, for one would love that opportunity! This wish is often
made in the cat fancy as well; however, I have never seen it fulfilled!
Once an individual has made up their mind to breed pedigreed cats, there is no turning
back. Many will make the most common mistakes and many thousands of
dollars will be spent.
The average stay in the cat fancy is five years.
The Romance of Being A Cat Breeder
Some of the most expensive errors
are said to be incurred through poor feline husbandry practices.
Very often, an unrealistic and perhaps glamorous picture has been visualized by
the УwannabeeФ breeder. They have high hopes
and may quickly become disappointed by the many obstacles they encounter
including never getting back what they had anticipated. This is not
suggesting that we lower our expectations; but that we conduct more research
prior to beginning a breeding program.
Do Your Homework Before You
Buy A Cat
Purchase books and attend cat shows. Look at the cats and talk to
exhibitors. Hopefully, you will come across a good mentor as this
can save you those mega bucks we will keep referring to as well as the many
headaches that come about. CFA is in the early stages of developing
a mentor program especially for newbies so keep up to
date as it develops.
Janice Reichle
of Diadem Silvers writes:
УI think some of our most expensive errors are made in
the beginning by buying the wrong cats. I've found that most breeders
have to spay and/or place the first cats they buy because they start out with
poor quality and too many of those. I've always advised people to buy one
cat, show it for a year and then breed it. During that year
аyou will learn аmore аabout
type, how to groom and possibly the most important thing -- which are the
honest, trust-worthy breeders. аPaying a
big price definitely does not guarantee you a good kitten!Ф
Breeding cats and
especially the Silvers and Goldens does not come
about easily. Both the cat & dog fancy are known to be a Уrich
manТs hobbyФ. There is no doubt that it takes a lot of time, money and
dedication to raise cats so keep this in consideration. For anyone
serious about entering the cat fancy as аa аbreeder, I cannot stress enough the аimportance of taking аevery opportunity to learn all that is humanly
аpossible concerning the breed which they
intend to work with. Do not expect quick results because it takes
more than a lifetime to consume it all. I know of breeders that have аbeen аworking with the same аbreed аfor more than 30 years аand аeven аthey
аdonТt аknow everything --yet! So be
patient, listen and be willing to learn.
Diehl of Diehl Persians writes:
УNewbies have a choice in
the matter. They donТt have to buy the first cat that is offered to them.
Nor do they have to hook up with a person like that. This is a hobby that rests
very much on REPUTATION. Newbies are free to
ask around and find out about past dealings. As with most things in life, a
tiny bit of caution goes a long way.
Please donТt think that we donТt want to trust newbies
with a top cat. We really do WANT to, but few have ever approached us
with a firm breeding plan and a real understanding of what our line has to
offer (or doesn't have to offer). ItТs not that we have some set-in-stone
rule about placing whole cats with newbies. The truth
is, we donТt place show cats with anyone who does not have goals and reasonable
expectations- newbies or otherwise.Ф
Most reputable Persian breeders will specialize in one specific color
class such as УSilvers and/or GoldensФ,
solids, bi-colors, tabbies, himmieТs,
etc. Be wary of any breeder that is working with or advertises to
have Уevery colorФ. One cannot specialize in Уevery colorФ and this
requires housing a large number of cats. Unfortunately, there are
breeders that often advertise in this manner and will prey on newbies. ItТs an old saying but an apt oneЧУjack
of all trades, master of none.Ф
It Ain't Easy
Another thought to keep in mind is that the average mortality rate for
pedigree kittens is very high and cats are considered the most difficult of all
animals to raise in captivity.
Making Money
Anyone who expects to make a profit selling kittens is
dreaming! Breeding by inexperienced individuals with little or no
knowledge of feline husbandry is most detrimental to any breed.
Reproducing kittens for re-sale purposes defines a kitty-mill.
Each breeding should be planned with the standard in mind and a desire
to produce cats that meet the standard. The individual that is not keeping
and showing any of the offspring that he/she is producing, they have classified
themselves with the kitty mill-ers as Уbackyard
breedersФ. They have no idea what their lines can produce, which ones to
put together or how they might develop and probably no interest in
either. In other words, how they are developing.
Size alone does not define a kitty mill operation. They vary from
several breeding cats to hundreds. It is the objectives of the
breeding program that is the concern. Anytime a profit is intended,
corners must be cut and that includes feline
husbandry practices such as poor medical care and poor quality of cats
used in the breeding program. With this in mind, any individual that does
not intend on showing should not be breeding in the first place!
Furthermore, they should not be registering their kittens within CFA since they
are not following CFA objectives which are: (taken from the CFA Website):
УThe objectives of The Cat Fanciers'
Association, Inc. (CFA) are:
Х The promotion of the welfare of cats and the improvement of their breed;
Х The registration of pedigrees of cats and kittens;
Х The promulgation of rules for the management of cat shows;
Х The licensing of cat shows held under the rules of this organization; and,
Х The promotion of interest of breeders and exhibitors of cats.Ф
As responsible hobby breeders, we should only be producing enough
kittens that we have time to care for, show and
suitably place. Ideally, the kittens are reserved before the
parents are bred.
Backyard breeder types and kitty mill-ers are a hobby
breeders worst nightmare and tremendous
threat to our hobbyТs very existence because anti breeder organizations such as
PETA cannot (or will not) identify a УgoodФ breeder from a УbadФ one.
We have no identifying marks on our forehead (or anywhere for that matter!);
therefore, we are all clumped into one huge clump and classified as УbreedersФ.
Be A Responsible Breeder
Due to the often misleading policies of anti-breeder organizations, we
need to not only practice but also demonstrate responsible breeding through all
stages and at all times. This includes finding suitable homes for every
kitten that we produce whether they are going to a pet home, a УwannabeeФ breeder or an established breeder and we must be
willing to wait for as long as that takes.
One would certainly not consider handing a wannabee
dentist a set of tools, instruct him to perform a root canal and expect good
results. That would be absurd. We all know that there are
many years of training and preparation ahead for such a career. As
serious hobby breeders, we should manage our catteries responsibly and with the
same high standard. If we donТt, that privilege will eventually be
taken away from us without our having any say in the matter.
Ameena Diehl writes:
"Premiership is the newbies'
best friend. I usually try to offer newbies a
nice retired cat to show in Premiership for free, IF they agree to find a
mentor to help them groom and show. *Sadly, few actually take me up on the
offer. They seem to think they will be wasting their time showing a
spayed or neutered cat. Most probably do buy a "dud" from someone who
has no qualms about taking advantage of them. Some even insist that they
don't need a mentor! Ф
Show In Premiership
Most reputable breeders agree that starting out in the УPremiershipФ
(alter) class is the best place to start. Often times you are able
to purchase a very nice show kitten or retired adult (altered) more
reasonably priced than a УwholeФ (unaltered) kitten or cat. Often
times, the cat has already УgrandedФ (earned Grand
Champion title) in Championship; therefore, is proven Уshow
qualityФ. Other advantages in a situation such as this- the
cat is already familiar with the show circuit and is accustomed to being
groomed; consequently, surely a pleasure to show and might teach the new
exhibitor a few tricks!
Purchasing a kitten to show later in Premiership is okay too especially if you
happen to come across a reputable and experienced breeder who is willing and
able to honestly evaluate their kittens. Even the most experienced
breeder is sometimes disappointed with the development of a kitten, but the
reputable breeder will make good on their Уdeal.Ф Often time breeders
will show the kitten themselves before handing the kitten over to someone
else. This УtestsФ the waters in order to determine if a
questionable kitten is truly Уshow worthyФ.
Understand Show Quality
When we define Уshow worthyФ, this not only indicates that the kitten
meets the standard but additionally, the kitten exhibits the Уshow
personalityФ. This quality is just as crucial as the beauty
Unfortunately, the most beautiful kittens/cats donТt always agree with our
intentions and protest the idea of being show kitties! ItТs very
disheartening to have produced that prized kitty that wants nothing to do with
the show scene. They simply hate it, they
want to be anywhere other than a show hall but preferably at home
stretched upon their satin pillows and perched in the window
sill. Until this kitty gets his way, he/she will show you and
everyone else in the show hall what he thinks of cat shows!
While we expect some nervousness for the first couple of shows, continual
temper tantrums cannot be tolerated. A strange and loud show hall
filled with unfamiliar sounds, people and other cats can easily intimate even
the sweetest kitty. Biting and hissing at judges are not only undesirable
traits, but grounds for disqualification.
Judges may use their own discretion by refusing to judge any cat with
questionable or aggressive behavior. This is a good policy. A wise
exhibitor will not knowingly present a kitten/cat demonstrating these
behaviors; nonetheless, we cannot always predict what an animal will
do. If you see your cat continually protesting, there is nothing
else to do but withdraw the kitten/cat from the show ring permanently.
On the other hand, if the kitten enjoys the shows then you will have just as
much fun showing her off as she will have Уputting on the ritzФ.
There will be 4 months to show in kitten class before moving on to Premiership
at 8 months of age. To me the fun is counting those points after
Premier status is earned. Again, the exhibitor has plenty of time
to show their cat, see other cats and learn. The exhibitor
now has opportunity to Уtest the watersФ and see if they really enjoy
showing. Also to get a feel of what breed, color and УlookФ is
preferred. Once that preference has been determined and youТve been bitten by
the Уshow bug, hopefully you will soon be on your way to a serious and
responsible breeding program.
Pamela R. Martin, Castle Paws Silver Persians,