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The Dear friends!
If beside You big and good heart and You not indifferent fate our beautiful animal, as well as if You it is enough well-to-do, we with joy shall take from You donation on contents and provender animal. We shall pleased any cent. Enormous thank you for support. Donation are taken through system WebMoney Transfer. The Number of our count for arrival of the facilities Z256887643653. If You do not use this system then about way of the enumeration of the facilities possible to hear here. (in english)
About us

Updated: 03.21.2006


Hello, I am very glad,

that you have chosen time and have glanced to us!


Ramblers's Top100

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You are welcomed by Nefedova Larisa, I the owner of nursery of the Persian cats "Fairy - Tale" which is in Tula (Russia). Nursery "Fairy - Tale" specializes on cultivation of the Persian cats of the solid colour SHOW and BREED qualities. Our nursery was it is registered in May, 2001 in Moscow, in Russia CFF Centre CFC Astron. CFF, one of the oldest American federations of fans of cats (it is based in 1919), which unites about hundert ten thousand fans of cats of Northern America and Europe. At the moment members CFF are more than 70 clubs and 7500 nurseries from the USA, Canada, Russia, Germany, the Great Britan and Holland.



In cultivation blood lines of nurseries are used: Bloosom, Lynge`s, Belamis, Sunrise, Meskalito, Eglantine, Happy Bizthgay, Littlehouse, Catzilla, Harwood, Nancy , Glorya, Dendelion, etc.

Here you can get acquainted with the Family, learn about our achievements and plans, to visit a photo gallery of the animals dissolved in nurseries. And also, if will become interesed in this magic fantastic breed of cats in section "Kittens" can order and choose for itself the liked kitten who will bring pleasure in your house, becomes the present friend, and a subject of pride of your family.
Adress:  tel.(+7 - 4872) 410-740

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