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About breed



  • It is beautiful and elegant
  • It is tender
  • It is sociable
  • Unpretentious
  • Silent
  • Obedient
  • Approaches for the maintenance in an apartment


  • Requires daily care of a wool
  • It is subject to traumas
  • Fades
  • Does not love, when her tease
The Persian cat - an attractive, gentle and undemanding essence. She is obedient, silent, friendly and elegant. Likes to be in a society of people and it is usual, if her to not tease, differs quiet customs. But she needs to be protected from dogs and every ones street troubles as because of short legs and rather massive body it not always manages to avoid danger. The Persian cat much more easy also is less inclined to adventures, than some of its short-haired relatives. She can even be contained in the fenced corner of a garden, whence more long-legged cat without effort will escape. But also she should not be given constantly only to itself. The Persian cat can perfectly live in an apartment provided that in the house fresh air is where to run about and enough. The basic lack of the Persian cat from the point of view of the borrowed person, that its wool requires daily leaving. The cat the year round fades, but is especially strong in the summer: then she can swallow own wool. And formed lumps the stomach or an intenstinal path can cork hair, that in heavy cases leads to to operation. If the cat runs outside of a house, in a long wool because of its short legs leaves and the different dust, not removed in time get confused, they serve as the reason of formation lumps, to clean which then very much painfully for a cat.
So, the possession the Persian cat means quite certain the responsibility. But, if you have enough time for care of the a cat, can not doubt, that will find in it the excellent, loving and devoted partner. The Persian cats less have many children, than some short-haired or not English breeds. If, however, you aspire to have simply domestic favourite, instead of the champion of exhibitions, buy a kitten of not exhibition class - and you receive the excellent pupil for smaller money.
Care of a wool
Daily care of a wool is necessary. It consists at a distance lumps and the confused locks (which can not always be appreciable) a crest rare columns. Then witch the help of an aoften comb it is necessary to remove old and dropping out hair and, at last, as it is necessary to comb a wool a brush from a natural bristle with the long handle. In the most careful image it is necessary to comb a wool between fingers of a cat as formed here lumps to a felted wool deliver to it special troubles. Ona regular basis examine eyes: the Persian cats have a propensity to corking plaintive channels, and anyone of allocation from eyes decolour a wool around of a nose. If exhibition career at more light colour to it will not damage a bath excluding from a wool traces of fat is prepared to a cat. And at last, a wool comb a brush so that everyone hair has defended from a body, - in a fluffy frame the muzzle special appeal.
From history of breed
Long-haired cats are known in Europe since XVI century, but their exact orign up to the end is not revealed. By historical certificates there were two types of long-haired cats: one has come from Turkey, and other of Persia. Though it is possible, that both these of type are connected by the orign to Russia and have been brougth by merchants in Europe through Asia Minor. Cats till now meet a long wool in Turkey and Iran, but nevertheless more widely they are distributed in territory of Russia where the severe climate favoured to development of dense and long fur. At so-called Persian cats the head is wider and more round, ears it is less, the trunk is shorter, the wool is more fluffy, than at Angora, and they became ancestors modern Persian. For long years of selection work, especially intensive last hundert years, the characteristic type of the Persian cats with numerous variations known today colour has been deduced.
Adress:  tel.(+7 - 4872) 410-740
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