The Dear friends! If beside You big and good heart and You not indifferent fate our beautiful animal, as well as if You it is enough well-to-do, we with joy shall take from You donation on contents and provender animal. We shall pleased any cent. Enormous thank you for support. Donation are taken through system WebMoney Transfer. The Number of our count for arrival of the facilities Z256887643653. If You do not use this system then about way of the enumeration of the facilities possible to hear here. (in english) |
Family |
The place of honour on the main page of a site was borrowed with father of our favourite of the Kardinal - Int. Ch. ERMAK GLORIA (Owner - Belowa M.),(Gr. Int. Ch. Bloosom So Tenderof Heanen`s Gate x Gr. Int. Ch. Lynge`s Pee - Wee). |
Ch(CFF)Ch(MFA) Kardinal Dendelion Red male (PER d) (Int. Ch. Ermak Gloria x Esenia Dendelion) |
Gr.Int.Ch(MFA) ALJANS Ruby Red mackerel tabby-white male (PER d22 03) (GC CATZILLA Wunderkind x CH CATZILLA Zefir of Aljans) |
Reichel Meskalito Tortoise female (PER f) (Int. Ch. Ermak Gloria x Evnika Meskalito) |
VAYOLET SUNRISE Cream female (PER e) (Ch. CFA Sixtyfour Enamour Eglantine x Ch. CFA Kharpers Happy Birthday) |
BEAUTY GENTLE LIGHT Red marble female (PER d 22) (Ch. Maison Antlari x Vincenta Sunrise) |
Aljans Marmelad Calico female (PER f 03) (Gr. Ch. Catzilla Kodiak of Aljans x Ch.Catzilla Zephyr of Aljans) |
Karamel FAIRY-TALE Cream female (PER e) (CH.Kardinal Dendelion x Vayolet Sunrise) |
Iriska FAIRY-TALE Red marble female (PER d 22) (CH. Kardinal Dendelion x Beauty Gentle Light) |
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