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It is useful to known

The cat did not become, and suddenly appeared, that it was that unique essence which gave to the house a cosiness.

Dzherom K. Dzherom

The Persian cats - one of the most favourite and popular exhibition breeds in the world. The kind, sociable, tender customs, quiet behavior and a silent melodious voice they found love of the majority of admires of cats. It is surprising their silky wool is beautiful, magnificent. Long since them name "royal cats" because they had special protection of royal persons. These essences - it is simply others, they are from us, but live beside, and we are each other necessary. Why? What secret connects us, what forces in us wake up - when we together? In fact not only especially practical advantage it is possible to make out in our attitudes. All is much more serious and deeper.
Adress:  tel.(+7 - 0872) 410-740
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